Haute Dog Pet Spa offers a wide variety of services for your pooch. Many of the services below are a standard part of our Dog Groom, Shave Down, Coloration, Express, Bath & Trim, Bath & Deshed, Mud Bath & Massage, and/or Bath & Brush; some are always optional add-ons; and most are available as stand-alone services.
If you have any questions regarding our Dog Spa services, please feel free to discuss any of these options with your Haute Dog Bather or Groomer.

Canine CBD Oil
Keep Calm and Wag On
For dogs with high anxiety about spending a relaxing day at the spa, we've had great success with our canine-specific CBD Oil products - even with dogs other grooming salons have deemed "ungroomable".
Haute Dog's CBD Oils are all-natural and specifically formulated for canine use, and can replace the need for sedatives and muzzles.
If your Fur Baby gets anxious at the groomers, ask a Haute Dog Groomer about our CBD Oil options for your next Salon appointment.

Prevent Hound-itosis
We use an enzyme-based toothpaste and breath spray combo which cleans and freshens your Fur Baby's teeth.
The enzymes break down tartar and help to eliminate the bacteria which cause hounditosis, leaving your dog's breath smelling great for longer.

Nail Trim & File
Smooth, Rounded Nails with Our Quick-Free Approach
Nail tips are trimmed and smoothed using a quick-less filing approach.
Nail trim & file is available as an individual service, and is included in any Dog Groom, Shave Down, Bath & Trim, Bath & Deshed, Express, Coloration and Bath.

Pamper Your Dog's Nails, Paws & Pads
Nail tips are trimmed and smoothed using a filing approach which ensures we never damage the dog's "quick".
We gently clean out any excess hair/fur between the pads and toes, and apply a moisturizing treatment on the cuticles, nails, and the skin of the pads.
A salt foot soak can help remove any funguses, alleviate sore feet, arthritis, excessive licking, and irritation caused by allergies.

Purrdy Paws Soft Nail Caps
Take Your Dog's Nails to the Next Level of Gorgeous
Purrdy Nails are veneers which attach to your dog’s nails. This approach to bedazzling your pup’s nails is longer lasting than standard nail painting, provides a brilliant palette of color options, as well as gives an additional layer of protection from nails scratching delicate surfaces in your home.
Puddy Nails are available as a stand-alone salon service, and can be added to any Dog Groom, Shave Down, Bath & Trim, Bath, or Coloration.

Facial Cleansing
All Organic, Tear-Free - Available in Blueberry & Plum
Luxury facial treatment with our all organic, tear-and-irritation-free Blueberry and Plum Facial Cleansers to remove streaks and stains and soften your pet's facial fur.
The Luxury Facial is included in every Haute Dog Groom, Trim and Bath.

Ear Cleaning
A Gentle Approach to Ear Cleaning
We'll gently clean and swab your Fur Baby's ears with a witch hazel-based ear wash cleanser, which helps treat and prevent yeast and bacteria.
Ear Cleaning is included with any Haute Dog grooming or bathing service!
Gland Expression
It's What You Think It Is.
Dogs have... glands. We're available to... express them.
Did you see Hot Tub Time Machine? What a great movie. Remember that scene towards the beginning of the film, when Craig Robinson is working at 'Sup Dawg, and he asks the customer if he owns a BMW? This is like that, but without the car keys (hopefully).
Gland Expression is provided as a standard service for every Dog Groom, Shave Down, Trim, Coloration and Bath. We only charge $20 for a Gland Expression if requested separately.
This is a fantastic opportunity for all of us to meditate on the amazing service Haute Dog's team provides for our beloved furry friends, and to really consider the fact that they perform this service as part of every Groom, Shave Down, Trim, Coloration and Bath.
What I'm saying is this: Please tip your Groomer and Bather. They really, really deserve it. 😳🐾❤️